Play Freerice and feed the hungry
Fight World Hunger






Current subscriptions:

First time membership cost is $30

Renewal of membership is $10





Important Information about Payments:

Credit card payments must be made through Paypal. Select Paypal during the sign-up process in the online membership form.

If you don't receive a confirmation email within 5 minutes of signing up your email is probably sending emails from The Classroom Kit to a spam folder. Please check this and mark emails as 'not spam' so that communications about special offers and renewals reach you. This is also important if you need reminders of usernames and passwords.

Offline payments: Note that payments made by bank transfer, electronic cheque or direct debit, may take between 1 and 5 days to be processed. If your spam filter blocks automatic emails, you will not receive information about how to make the offline payment. Check your spam folder or contact The Classroom Kit for details of how to make an offline payment.


When choosing to use direct debit or bank transfer, ensure you have entered an identifiable name (your username will do) so I can match the payment with your membership, and email me so I can look out for the payment. I only check this account once a month, so if I don't know to look out for a payment, you will be waiting some time for the resources.

Memberships cannot be enabled until processing is complete, and an email will be sent to confirm this has occured.

Note to members: If you find a file that won't open after putting your password in, please let me know by sending a message in the broken links email link on the home page. The web program I'm using doesn't seem to find the errors, and I've only discovered them when I try to download resources myself.

Interactive Whiteboard resources for Daily Weather and Calendar, and Counting Patterns and Clocks, have been moved to the Numeracy Resources page.